


We engage in creative activities while intermingling with various genres. We head to the same destination throughout the project. This organization is like everyone looking up at the beautiful sky while each one is independent.


AFTER POST OFFICE.のメンバーを紹介します。まだ人数は少ないですが、少しずつコミュニティの輪を広げていきたいです。

Introducing the members of "AFTER POST OFFICE". We are still a small team, but we want to expand our community little by little.


山地大樹  【Daiki Yamaji】

局長を務めるのは建築家の山地大樹である。1996年東京生まれ。東京大学大学院工学系研究科を卒業し、建築設計を専門とする。2018年に新建築住宅設計競技にて最優秀賞をとり、2020年に本デザインオフィスである《AFTER POST OFFICE.》を設立。

また《Architecture Museum》や《Archive Walker》などを次々と立ち上げる。世界には体験(lived experience)が足りない」ととなえ、体験というキーワードを軸に様々な設計活動や創作活動をしている。建築にできることを深く思索しながら、建築の領域を超えて様々な問題提起を生み出し続けている。一番好きな曲は宮本浩次の《ハレルヤ》

Architect Daiki Yamaji serves as the director. Born in Tokyo in 1996. He graduated from the University of Tokyo Graduate School and specializes in architectural design. In 2018, he won the highest award in the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, and in 2020, he established the "After Post Office."which is the main design office.

He also launches "Architecture Museum" and "Archives Walker" one after another. "There is not enough lived experience in the world" he said. He is engaged in various design activities and creative activities centered on the keyword of lived experience. While pondering what architecture can do, he continues to raise various issues beyond the realm of architecture. His favorite song is "Hallelujah" by Hiroji Miyamoto.


季山時代  【Kiyama Jidai】


The deputy director is the designer Kiyama Jidai. Born in Tokyo in 1996. He is good at writing and has a wealth of knowledge. Kiyama is a person born from the anagram of Daiki Yamaji, and is the heart for accelerating the design. In other words, a support system that gives energy to "Daiki Yamaji" and makes him alive.
